Current Global Conflicts: How Many Wars Right Now?

Current Wars: How Many Are Going On Right Now

Today, the world is facing a complex and changing scene of armed wars. The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights reports over 110 active armed wars worldwide. These conflicts range from large-scale wars between countries to smaller battles involving governments and non-state groups.

The Middle East and North Africa are hit the hardest, with over 45 ongoing conflicts. Many of these are battles between governments and various armed groups, with foreign help. Africa follows closely, with more than 35 conflicts, including several in the Central African Republic.

Asia has 19 non-international armed conflicts and 2 international ones. Europe sees 7 conflicts, mostly due to Russian and Armenian military occupations. Latin America has 6 conflicts, with half in Mexico and half in Colombia.

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Key Takeaways

  • The world is currently witnessing over 110 active armed conflicts globally.
  • The Middle East and North Africa region is the most affected, with over 45 ongoing armed conflicts.
  • Africa has more than 35 non-international armed conflicts (NIACs), including several in the Central African Republic.
  • Asia is the theater of 19 NIACs and 2 international armed conflicts.
  • Europe has 7 armed conflicts, primarily military occupations by Russia and Armenia.
  • Latin America has 6 NIACs, split evenly between Mexico and Colombia.
  • The prevalence of armed conflicts varies significantly across different regions of the world.

Major Wars Claiming Thousands of Lives

The world faces many armed conflicts, but some are especially deadly. These major wars have caused at least 10,000 direct deaths each year. They have hurt both civilians and military forces greatly.

The Myanmar Conflict: A Decades-Long Struggle

The conflict in Myanmar is a prime example of long-lasting war. It includes fights like the Kachin, Karen, Rohingya, and Myanmar civil wars. Since 1948, it has led to 28,672 to 180,000+ deaths.

This war is complex, with ethnic groups, politics, and military battles. It’s one of the toughest disputes globally. Sadly, many civilians have been hurt.

ConflictEstimated Deaths
Second Congo War3,000,000+
Syrian Civil War470,000+
Darfur Conflict300,000+
Iraq War89,700+
Afghanistan War64,000+
Boko Haram Insurgency11,000+

These major conflicts have caused a lot of harm. Millions have died, and many more have been affected by the violence and destruction.

The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Persistent Flashpoint

The Middle East has seen many conflicts, but the Arab-Israeli one stands out. It’s all about the Israeli-Palestinian tensions. This fight has lasted for decades, with many battles like the Gaza-Israel clashes and the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict. It’s one of the deadliest wars, with 235,000 to 246,000+ lives lost since 1948.

The conflict is fueled by disputes over land and religious beliefs. It has caused many deaths, especially in Gaza. The 2023-2024 violence killed over 42,600 people, mostly civilians. It also destroyed much of Gaza’s infrastructure and displaced nearly 2 million people.

Peace efforts have been ongoing, but the conflict is still a big problem. Other groups like Hezbollah add to the complexity. The lack of a lasting peace deal makes future violence a big worry.

“The Arab-Israeli conflict is a complex and multifaceted struggle that has defied easy resolution. It remains a persistent flashpoint in the Middle East, with the potential for future violence and instability.”

To find peace, we must tackle the core issues. This includes the land disputes and finding a lasting political solution. This is key to achieving stability and peace in the region.

Insurgencies in the Maghreb and Sahel Regions

The Maghreb and Sahel regions of Africa face a complex situation. They have been dealing with African armed conflicts and Saharan insurgencies for decades. This situation involves many terrorist movements, non-state actors, and government forces fighting for control.

This struggle has caused huge problems. It has led to displacement, humanitarian crises, and the spread of cross-border militancy and Islamist extremism.

Since the 1960s, the Sahel region has seen a rise in violent extremism. Weak governance, economic decline, and climate change have played big roles. In the last decade, attacks in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Ivory Coast have shown the Islamist threat is still strong.

The growth of groups like the Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) has made things worse. This has led to more counterterrorism operations by regional and international forces.

Key StatisticsSignificance
25 successful coups d’état in Chad, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger between 1960 and 2022Indicates frequent transfers of power and instability in the region
Military coups in Mali in 2020 and 2021, leading to an interim government under a military juntaHighlights the fragility of democratic institutions and the military’s influence in the country
Algeria’s strong alliance with Russia, with Russia being the country’s second-largest trading partner in AfricaSuggests the geopolitical complexities and shifting alliances in the region

Experts say weak governance is a big reason for the rise of violent extremism in the Sahel. Corruption, democratic backsliding, and human rights violations are key factors. To fight this, regional and international actors have launched counterterrorism operations and peace efforts.

Algeria has played a big role in mediating conflicts in countries like Mali. But the situation is still unstable. The threat of Islamist extremism and cross-border militancy is still a big challenge to regional stability.

“The factors that led to the prominence of jihadi rebels eventually led to their defeat.”

The Mexican Drug War: Cartels and Violence

The Mexican drug war started in 2006 and has become one of the deadliest conflicts. It has caused an estimated 127,000 to 407,000 deaths. The war is mainly between drug cartels fighting for control of the drug trade.

The violence has also led to clashes between cartels and Mexican security forces. This has destabilized parts of Mexico, causing security and humanitarian issues.

Since 2018, over thirty thousand people have died in Mexico each year due to violence. In 2018, the homicide rate hit 33,341. Journalists were killed at a rate of one per week from 2017 to 2020.

By May 2024, cartels controlled about one third of Mexico’s territory. The Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels are the main suppliers of drugs to the U.S., including methamphetamines, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.

The conflict has lasted over 17 years, since December 11, 2006. It involves many groups, including police, soldiers, and self-defense groups. The war has caused 41,034 casualties from 2006-2020, with 350,000-400,000 total deaths from organized crime.

Key StatisticsData
Reported deaths per year due to violence since 2018Over 30,000
Homicide rate peak in Mexico33,341 (2018)
Average journalists killed per week in Mexico (2017-2020)1
Percentage of Mexico’s territory controlled by cartels (as of 2024)33%
Total casualties from war conflicts (2006-2020)41,034
Total organized crime homicides (2006-2022)350,000-400,000

The Mexican drug war is a complex conflict involving cartels, criminal organizations, and security forces. It has caused immense loss of life and has had a significant impact on Mexican society and the region.

The Russo-Ukrainian War: Europe’s Largest Conflict

The Russo-Ukrainian War started in February 2022, making it Europe’s biggest conflict. It began with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This war is about Russia’s claim to Crimea and support for rebels in eastern Ukraine.

It has caused a huge number of deaths, from 172,226 to 306,143+. The fighting has led to Russian troops in Ukraine, missile attacks, and fierce battles. This has hurt many civilians and forced them to leave their homes.

The war is a major issue, affecting many people and causing big problems. It’s not just about Ukraine and Russia. It’s a big deal for the whole world.

Ukraine has taken back 54 percent of the land Russia occupied. But Russia still controls 18 percent. The war has cost Ukraine a lot, with over $278 billion in aid, including $75 billion from the U.S.

More than 30,000 civilians have been hurt, and 3.7 million people have had to move. Six million have left Ukraine, and 14.6 million need help.

The war has lasted a long time, with talks and NATO’s presence in Eastern Europe. The U.S. has also put sanctions on those involved. But the fighting goes on, with small victories for both sides.

The Russo-Ukrainian War shows the long-standing problems in Europe. Everyone hopes for peace to stop the fighting and suffering.

“The ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War started in February 2014 and is still ongoing (as of March 2024), making it over 10 years in duration.”

The Sudanese Civil War: A Prolonged Conflict

The Sudanese civil war has lasted since 1983, making it one of Africa’s longest conflicts. It has caused an estimated 100,000 to 150,000 deaths. This ongoing war is a major obstacle to the country’s peace and progress.

Understanding the Roots of the Conflict

The war started due to political, economic, and ethnic issues. The Arab-dominated government in Khartoum clashes with the marginalized people in areas like Darfur. This has led to long-lasting fighting, displacement, and humanitarian crises.

Despite efforts by international peacekeepers, the war persists. It is a major cause of civil wars, ethnic tensions, and political instability in the area. The conflict is also driven by regional power struggles and resource conflicts.

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The war started in Ramadan on 15 April 2023. It has caused a huge humanitarian crisis, including famine and a refugee crisis. Over 7.7 million people were displaced internally by 5 July 2024, with more than 2.1 million fleeing as refugees.

Many groups are involved in the war, including the Sudanese government and various rebel forces. The Rapid Support Forces control large parts of Darfur and other areas.

Despite UN peacekeeping missions and international efforts, the war continues. It remains a major cause of humanitarian crises and instability in the region. This has significant effects on regional and global security.

Wars Causing Significant Casualties

Major wars that kill over 10,000 people each year get a lot of attention. But, many other ongoing conflicts also cause a lot of deaths. These range from 1,000 to 9,999 deaths each year. These conflicts devastate areas, causing huge humanitarian problems, displacement, and instability.

The Colombian conflict, the Afghan conflict, and the Somali Civil War are examples. So are communal violence in Nigeria, the Iraqi conflict, the Kivu conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Syrian civil war. These battles kill thousands, even if not as many as in major wars. The damage to civilians, displacement, and instability are huge.

ConflictCumulative Fatalities
Colombian conflict43,000-455,500+
Afghan conflict317,000-2,633,468+
Somali Civil War359,300-1,000,000+
Iraqi conflict333,300-1,215,000+
Kivu conflict103,500+
Syrian civil war410,000-619,000+

Even though these wars don’t kill as many as major ones, they are still huge humanitarian crises. They need the world’s attention and action to help the civilians suffering.

“A state-based conflict or dyad which reaches at least 1000 battle-related deaths in a specific calendar year” is the definition used by the Uppsala Conflict Data Program to classify war.

how many wars are going on right now

Counting the Active Conflicts Globally

There are over 110 active armed conflicts worldwide, says the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. These conflicts range from big wars with over 10,000 deaths a year to small fights with fewer than 100 deaths.

The Middle East and North Africa are hit hard, with over 45 conflicts. Africa has more than 35 non-international armed conflicts. Asia, Europe, and Latin America also see a lot of military action, showing how widespread war is today.

It’s hard to count all the wars and conflicts. But research shows there are dozens of battlefields causing thousands of deaths each year.

Conflict TypeNumber of ConflictsExample ConflictsAnnual Combat-Related Deaths
Major WarsDozensMyanmar, Arab-Israeli, Insurgency in Maghreb, Mexican Drug War, Russo-Ukrainian War, Sudanese Civil WarOver 10,000
Significant ConflictsTensColombian, Afghan, Somali Civil War, Communal conflicts in Nigeria, Iraqi, Syrian civil war1,000 – 9,999
Minor ConflictsDozensKurdish separatism in Iran, Kurdish-Turkish, Indo-Pakistani, Insurgency in Northeast India, Papua, Nagorno-Karabakh100 – 999
Skirmishes and ClashesDozensJamaican political, Cabinda War, Honduran gang crackdownFewer than 100

Conflicts are happening on every continent, including Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, and Oceania. The number of deaths varies a lot, from a few hundred in small fights to hundreds of thousands in big wars. These conflicts have been going on for many years, starting in the early 20th century.

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According to the Uppsala Conflict Data Program definition, a war is considered a state-based conflict or dyad that reaches at least 1,000 battle-related deaths in a specific calendar year.

Ongoing Conflicts with Hundreds of Deaths

Major wars often grab headlines, but there are many other conflicts causing hundreds of deaths. These “medium-intensity conflicts” lead to regional instability and harm civilians. They show the ongoing challenges to global security.

The Maghreb and Sahel regions have seen over 70,000 deaths in an ongoing insurgency. In 2023, this conflict led to 14,728 fatalities. Non-state actors and government forces have caused much suffering and displacement.

The Iran-PJAK conflict has resulted in between 15,200 and 58,000+ deaths. In 2023, 198 people died, and in 2024, 272 lost their lives. This conflict adds to regional instability and affects many communities.

These conflicts are less known but still pose significant challenges. They highlight the need for lasting solutions to regional instability and civilian suffering. As we deal with major wars, we must also focus on these ongoing conflicts.

Civilian Impacts and Humanitarian Crises

Civilians suffer greatly in these conflicts. In 2021, over 19,000 children were affected by armed conflicts worldwide. Most of these incidents happened in countries like Afghanistan and Syria.

Amnesty International has highlighted the struggles of certain groups during wars. Women, older people, and children face unique challenges. For example, sexual violence against women and girls is widespread in some conflicts.

These crises show the need for more international help. We must protect vulnerable populations and find ways to stop these conflicts.

Regional Overviews of Conflicts

The world sees different levels of violence in different places. The Middle East and North Africa face the most issues, with over 45 active regional conflict trends and geopolitical hotspots. These conflicts often involve many groups and outside help.

Africa is also a major hotspot, with over 35 ongoing interstate wars and intrastate conflicts. These are happening in places like the Sahel, the Great Lakes, and the Horn of Africa.

Asia has its share of conflicts too, from insurgencies in South Asia to territorial disputes in East Asia. Europe, though more stable, still deals with military occupations and interstate wars, like the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. The humanitarian impacts of these conflicts are a big worry, affecting civilians, causing displacement, and disrupting services.

Conflicts in Africa, Asia, and Beyond

  • The Middle East and North Africa is the most conflict-affected region, with over 45 active armed conflicts, involving a complex mix of state and non-state actors, as well as foreign interventions.
  • Africa has more than 35 ongoing intrastate conflicts, particularly in the Sahel, Great Lakes region, and Horn of Africa.
  • Asia experiences a significant number of insurgencies in South Asia and territorial disputes in East Asia.
  • Europe, while relatively stable, still grapples with military occupations and the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war.
  • Across these regions, the humanitarian impacts of these conflicts, including civilian casualties, displacement, and disruption to essential services, remain a grave concern.

“The global landscape of armed conflicts is complex and ever-evolving, with regional hotspots and dynamics that require careful analysis and understanding.”


The world is facing many ongoing armed conflicts. These range from big wars to smaller fights in different areas. These global conflict trends have caused a lot of war fatalities and made many places unstable. This has led to big humanitarian crises that need urgent help.

To solve these problems, we need to work together and focus on peacebuilding efforts. We also need more international cooperation.

Conflicts in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Sahel region are huge and complex. They show we need a detailed plan to solve these wars. History and modern stories teach us that winning wars quickly is rare. Instead, they often drag on for a long time, affecting many countries.

The world is struggling with the effects of these wars. We must stop them from getting worse and work towards peace. By tackling the real reasons behind these conflicts, we can help. We also need to support areas hit by war with stability, security, and development.

This way, we can aim for a better future where everyone can live in peace and prosperity.


How many wars are currently going on in the world?

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights monitors over 110 active armed conflicts worldwide.

What are the major wars causing the most deaths right now?

Wars causing over 10,000 deaths each year include the Myanmar conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Also, the Insurgency in Africa, the Mexican drug war, the Russo-Ukrainian War, and the Sudanese civil war are among them.

What is the Arab-Israeli conflict and how many lives has it claimed?

The Arab-Israeli conflict is a long-standing issue. It has claimed 235,000 to 246,000+ lives since 1948, making it very deadly.

What is the Insurgency in the Maghreb and Sahel regions of Africa, and how many deaths has it caused?

The Insurgency in Africa involves many armed groups. It started in 2002 and has caused over 70,000 deaths.

How many people have died in the Mexican drug war?

The Mexican drug war, starting in 2006, has led to 127,000 to 407,000 fatalities. It’s one of the deadliest ongoing conflicts.

What is the Russo-Ukrainian War, and how many lives has it claimed?

The Russo-Ukrainian War started in 2022. It’s the largest conflict in Europe, with 172,226 to 306,143+ deaths.

What is the Sudanese civil war, and how long has it been going on?

The Sudanese civil war has lasted since 1983. It has claimed 100,000 to 150,000 lives, making it one of Africa’s longest conflicts.

What other ongoing conflicts have resulted in significant casualties?

Other conflicts causing significant casualties include the Colombian conflict and the Afghan conflict. The Somali Civil War, communal violence in Nigeria, and the Iraqi conflict are also among them. The Kivu conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Syrian civil war have also resulted in many deaths.

How many active armed conflicts are being monitored globally?

Over 110 active armed conflicts are being monitored worldwide, according to the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.

What are some of the other ongoing armed conflicts that have resulted in between 100 and 999 combat-related fatalities?

Minor conflicts include the Kurdish areas of Iran and Turkey, the Jamaican political conflict, and the Indo-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir. The Insurgency in Balochistan, various insurgencies in Northeast India, the Papua conflict in Indonesia, and the Naxalite-Maoist insurgency in India are also ongoing. The civil conflict in the Philippines is another example.

How do the current armed conflicts vary by region?

Armed conflicts vary by region. The Middle East and North Africa are most affected, followed by Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Each region faces different types of conflicts, from non-international armed conflicts to interstate wars and military occupations.

Current Global Conflicts: How Many Wars Right Now?

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